Classroom music lessons
Each student at Bellevue Park State School participates in a classroom music program. Students explore the world of music by singing and moving, playing instruments, composing and reflecting on their music making ability. The music room is equipped with a variety of musical instruments that students utilise in their lessons such as glockenspiels, untuned percussion instruments (drums, maracas, tambourines and bells) and ukuleles.
Staff: Mr Mathew Young

Instrumental Strings and Band Program at Bellevue Park
At Bellevue Park State School we have an Instrumental Music Program that offers both String and Band lessons that follows the Education Queensland Curriculum. Selected students in year 3 or higher have the opportunity to play the violin, viola, cello or double bass in the string program. Selected students in year 4 or higher have the opportunity to play flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, tuba, bass guitar or percussion as part of the band program.
Instrumental music students will have group lessons with a specialist IM teacher and are required to play in an ensemble.
Students in this program perform regularly within the school on assemblies and for evening concerts. These ensembles also participate in the Gold Coast Eisteddfod. Many of our students go on to apply for music excellence positions and scholarships in high schools.
Apply by application.
Instrumental Strings Teacher - Ms Sarah Larmor
Instrumental Band Teacher - Ms Christine Wheatley